martes, 14 de octubre de 2014


The music is important today in day for the parties, events, ceremonies.
 Always the genres predominate according to the occasion and ages.

Music for childrens of 1 at 5 years

Music for childrens of 6 at 10 years

Music for teens of 11 at 15 years

 Music for Music for teens of 16 at 18 years

Music that today in day are listening persons of 18 to 30 years

Music for the people of 30 at 45 years

Music for the people of 45 at 80 años

Over time the musical tastes change according to age, which is the first stage of nines, the second stage is adolescence, REBOLution and madness, which is the fourth stage of romanticism between 18-30 the fifth year that the stage musical that gives way to tranquility and selected classical music and other pasises and last stage of the memories of the past where you want to relive the musical taste of our generations.

4 comentarios:

  1. Hello laura
    In this era in which we are what is the trend of music most listened?

  2. Hello Catalina
    The music in past was an movement important that with the time revolutionized to the people , at the present is the fashion for the generations.

  3. so as the years go passing also the music and each of us grow up with a different type of music to listen

  4. yes, the years go passing and we have different thinking but the memories of the past are the that live.
